
The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

8th Jan.2011..Worcester To: Palmer East, Ma.     51.7km   =        32.1 miles.

9th Jan. 2011. Palmer East to 451 Russell Rd. East of Russell.

50km = 31.1miles

10th Jan. 2011. 451 Russell Rd to 10km east of Lee. 42.7km / 26.5 miles.

11th Jan 2011 10km east of Lee to Shakers Village (Hancock) 36.5km/ 22.7miles

12th Jan 2011.  Stormwatch, no running :(

13th Jan 2011  To east Green Bush, NY. (Dunkin Donuts 4 miles east of Albany on US20) 43.8km / 27.2 miles

14th Jan 2011. To 6km east of Duanesberg.  36.4km =  22.6miles

15th and 16th Jan 2011 No running. Rest days/Storm.2 rest days in Little Falls/ St. Johnsville. Jan15th and 16th

17th Jan From 6km east of Duanesberg to 3km east of Cherry Valley. 51.6km = 32.1 miles

18th Jan From Cherry Valley 3km east of to Waterville Junction.  60km = 37.3 miles

19th jan 2011 From Waterville Jct to US 80/13 Jct Deruyter area. 51.4km = 32 miles

20th Jan 2011 US80/13 jct to Cortland US13s/Main   40.7km = 25.3 miles

Total for 70 Road days = 3,106.2km = 1,930.3miles = 73.6  Marathons.




Had a nice couple of days rest in Hudson with my aunt and uncle. They have been living there for almost 40 years now. Frank is a musician and used to play in an Irish show band called the Howdowners in the 1960′s back in Ireland. Here in the US he still plays but not as much. He is an addiction counsellor now. He told me about how the Irish and the Chinese built the railroads. The Chinese died like flies due to all sorts of infections and diseases but the Irish survived as they drank so much whiskey that it killed these hazards off.
Marie told me that it was her dream to come to the USA from the first classic black and white movie she ever saw. She fell in love with the tall buildings, the Cadillacs and everything American. Her sister Sheila was living here and when she got the opportunity she moved here immediately. Being a 100 word a minute typist she was well qualified to find work and found it easily.
During my two day stay I was loaded down with all sorts of goodies, cookies, candy, chocolate and meal vouchers from her very kind neighbours..Thanks a million folks, you are incredible.

Out For Dinner With Frank And Marie.

Then just before I left town Frank brought me to shoe store and sponsored me with two pairs of running shoes!

I left Hudson running for Worcester. I am starting to move inland now. It was a short day. Just over 32km/ 20 miles. Frank transported Nirvana and I ran on. I ended up getting hopelessly lost in town but it turned out well. I had an invite from a man called Nicholas who came across my World Jog Facebook page and had sent me out an invite to stay a night. It turned out that at the last minute Nicholas had to go off to New York for a rock climbing weekend. No problem he said. He would wait for me to arrive, I could stay and just pull the door after me in the morning!
I called Nicholas and followed him over some of the steepest city hills I have ever seen in my life.

Nicholas is very easy-going.. No problem my late arrival..We just had a cup of tea in his apartment.
He told me rock climbing and mountaineering are as different as running and dancing. With running and dancing you use your feet thats where the similarity ends! I had asked do rock climbers also climb mountains. His reply was a genuine surprise to me… I guess there is something to be learnt every day.

Next day was Saturday. There was a snow storm over night. I had gotten an email from Jason of the Greater Lowell Road Runners to see if I was still up for running west towards Russell.

I was joined by Fil, Mason and Jason of the Greater Lowell Road Runners on the run to Warren

” Sure! ” I said
” I will see you on the road! ”
The snow fall was not too bad. I followed my google directions which I had neglected to on the way into town and was almost 4 miles clear of town on route 9 within an hour.
Just outside of Leicester I met up with Jason, Fil and Mason of the Lowell Running club.
As with all runners that accompany me on this world run they paid their price… They took it in turns to push Nirvana!

January 9th, 2011

Massachusettes drivers are the worst I have seen so far. Many people call them MassHoles! They regurally drive out of junctions  not looking to their right, as they turn right as they talk into their mobile phone. Often I just go around the back of their vehicle. They are often obvilious of me.
We ran on through Spencer, Brookfield and Warren through the beautiful New England countryside. The fields were snow covered but the busy road was clear. The hard shoulder had only the odd bit of slush as the strong mid-afternoon intense sunshine delighted.
I was accompanied for the best part of 28km/ 18 miles by the lads before we bade farewell in a Donuts and Dumpin cafe.
It was around 2pm and I had most of my planned 50km up for the day.
Tonight I have an invitation with John-Michael a man of many talents. He said he will put me up for two nights which means I don’t have to push Nirvana tomorrow meaning I will have had a six day pushing break except for small amounts.
So after the donut stop John-Michael pulls up on the road to load up Nirvana. He lives in a town called Wilbraham which is not exactly on my route but he has no problem shuttling me to and from my start finish locations.

Heather and John-Michael from Wilbraham.

I ask him to meet me on the road in an hour and a half and have my 51.7km/ 32 miles for the day… Nice one and they talked about a storm!
On the way back to Wilbraham John-Michael tells me about his father that worked for the CIA as an explosives expert.

” How did he ever get that job? ” I asked.
” He was working for an explosives company in a really cold place in Ontario.
” I think it got as cold as minus 50.
” It turns out the CIA wanted to know about cold weather explosive techniques… This was after the war
” And we ended up living all over the world. ”

We get back to John-Michael’s house and his wife is preparing dinner. Heather was born in London but moved to the USA when she was 6 months old. The daughter of diplomats.
” What another spy. John-Michael was telling me about his father a regular James Bond! ” I said.
” Well he may have sounded like him but look like James Bond he didn’t! ” teased Heather.

Heather and John-Michael had a few house guests over for dinner. We had a lovely salmon meal with creamy pasta and spicy beans.
One of the guests, Peter a keen runner in the past and a 2.24 marathoner wanted to come out and run a bit with me tomorrow.
John-Michael took out his guitar and played a few nice songs as we talked away the evening. Writing songs is his passion and he has dozens on Utube. He says he will write one about my world run!

Next morning John-Michael and Peter took it in turns to run short segments with me for the first couple of hours.
I asked John-Michael what his 13 year old son Walker was up to today.

” Oh he is doing extra homework because of his suspension from school! ”
” Suspension? ”
” Yes He smacked a cute chicks butt as she was bending down to take some books out of locker! ”
” Boys will be boys! ” I joked.
” Yes well it turns out the cute chick was his teacher and he got a 3 day suspension! ”
” I see. ”

The boys left. I ran on and on through Springfield and its two shadow towns each side, east and west Springfield.

The traffic was very busy for a Sunday. There was no hard shoulder in many places. I think it would have been a very difficult day pushing Nirvana. Right on cue and with perfect timing John-Michael picks me up as I was running the last few meters of my 50km/ 31 miles.

We returned to his house and Heather has a delicious steak on the grill :)
I discover that Peter and his wife have donated 100 euro to my charity Aware.
And another couple Tara and Aaron have given me a nice card and $20 for the road. Thanks guys.
Next day as John-Michael drops me off at the previous days finishing point he hands me an envelope and with typical John-Michael humour he has marked on the envelope… ” Not to be opened till Christmas…Or at least this afternoon! ”

Later that evening I open the envelope. I am so overcome by his incredible kind letter and deed that superlatives just fail me. I am so overwhelmed and overcome that it takes me a couple of days to acknoledge a reply, I am so dumbstruck. I will leave it at that… Some things are best kept for the book.

I run on.. It’s a tough day. The toughest since the start. Every kilometer or mile, call them what you like are hard earned. I am in the foothills of the Appalachian mountain range.

Only towards end of day is there any downhill and even then its short lived. I can’t run fast so busy is the traffic and road conditions…It’s not fair.
It was a long day. I stopped only once.I think it was in a cafe/convenience store in Chester. I bought coffee and apple pie. The attendant just left me to it. A rarity, not even a question as to what I was up to. Sometime when this happens – even though I enjoy the break from the ever constant same questions – I just want to tell them!
Instead he asked me the strangest question of the expedition so far.
” Tell me sir do you like cat magazines? ”
He handed me a copy of something like ” Your Lovely Cat Magazine ”

Inside there was a feature on how to have fun with your cat.
I gave it two full seconds of my attention and said.
” Not particularly! ”
” Well we usually have newspapers but we didn’t get them today, sorry. ”

I run on through the beautiful towns of Beckett and past the well kept well to do communities with the interesting name of Sherwood Forest.
A couple of hours later in the dark I am looking for somewhere to stay.
I know I was wasting my time but I approached a show house/office  which was so well lit up that highway 20 west needed no lights for that stretch. Permission refused.

I go down a lane way and ask a young college kid parking his vehicle if I can sleep in his garage.
” You are running around the world! ” He says in an amazed tone.
He looks like he would genuinely get a kick out of a nights storytelling’s from the road from me. Then adds.
” I would like to but its not my place.”
I get the impression he has a chick in there and would have to tell bigger stories to explain!
I run a bit further down the lane. Come to house with a couple of draughty garages. I knock on the door.
Give my usual introduction.
” Sorry to bother you but I am from Ireland and running around the world…. ( I then generally point at the strategically placed Nirvana ) Pushing this buggy… ”
Before I can say my next line.. ” I was wondering if I could sleep in your garage, I got a good sleeping bag, equipment, my own food and a thermos of hot water I just need shelter and nothing else please?”
A man in a vest says….
” Well get on in here and out of the cold! ”
I am delighted as it looks like a cold night is on the way.
I make a tactical error (lesson learned for evermore) I am sure I was about to be offered a cup of tea and then use that opportunity to build up my relationship and make my impression.
So delighted I then rush out my usual line before I am through the doorway.
” What! “ He says.
” We cant have that! I can drive you to the next town if you want? ”
I say I don’t want a ride as I am running around the world. He has not grasped the concept and is more suspicious!
I guess I can understand him but then his wife made the whole experience unnecessarily ugly by shouting after me.
” And don’t you come back sneaking into our barn! ”

So I went back up the lane and turned left at the show house highway lighter and went on for a few more minutes and came to a house that had a second one being constructed on the lot.
I rapped on the door and gave my request.
Another. ” Well come on in from the cold! ” invitation. I did just that with my mouth frozen closed this time!

Doug was sitting at the table looking a bit bemused at me. As his wife Brenda made some hot chocolate. Doug asked me.
” So what are you going to do when the big storm comes through tomorrow? We got a whopper on the way. ”
” I will figure it out as I go. ”
He handed me a magazine. Glad it was not another cat magazine!
” Have a look at my gun magazine… This is my passion… Guns! ”

Something like My Lovely Gun Magazine… How to have fun with your guns!

Spare me!
Then a printout from a website of a guy from Arizona holding what he would love to be holding… I think he called it a Nitra 600 or something like that.
” This must be the biggest handgun in the world… It is homemade and has a barrel 2 feet long! ”
Then I made the mistake of saying.. ” Dirty Harry? ”
“No Harry had a Magnum 45  and the basis of this gun is a modified Rugger……”
Not sure if he was giving me a warning!

Doug brought me to the upstairs of the under construction house. I would have a halogen lamp for heating. Am glad I blew my last attempt earlier as this is a lot warmer than that draughty barn I was warned off!

Once I am in my sleeping bag I am fine… Its the getting out and packing up that’s the killer.

In the morning it took about 40 minutes. Thank God for the halogen lamp but I was still bitterly cold as I packed up the freezing material. These are the coldest days, nights and times of the whole world run. My toughest days and I had to deal with the mountains also.
As I suspected Doug and Brenda had left early. I had kept my 2 water bottles from freezing by keeping them in the sleeping bag with me.During the day I can’t leave them in their holders on the buggy as the rapidly freeze as I got to wrap them in clothes inside the buggy. I also keep my gloves and clothes for the road in my sleeping bag.

Out on the road after a mile I come to a double flyover bridge from the Massachusetts Turnpike Interstate 90. I ran by that last night just before I finished. I think I have become disorientated and am running the wrong way. So I turn around and see they have two sets of these flyovers and I was going the right way all along. Two miles wasted at the start of the day and no credit for this distance.. No worries.. I am living my dream and that’s all that matters at the end of the day.

I run for about two hours and arrive in a junction town called Lee. I have breakfast there and continue on towards Lenox which seems to be a scrawl all the way from Lee for me as the road is busy. I have little hard shoulder in places and there were times it was so busy I went up on the sidewalks which have snow and slush which were sometimes cleared but sometimes not till I ran into a big pile. So I had to get back onto the road..Running towards the traffic with my front and rear lights strapped to my 3 hats along with my high-viz top. Then I decided it was safer to run with the traffic at my back as they had more time to react. It seems to me that running on the road has no set in stone rules. Every section has to be respected and safely figured out as one goes.

Either way, slow progress and a slog all day long.

On through another nightmare called Pittsfield. Just out of town I try the Magic Letter technique as described before on a hotel which had an Indian owner. No joy and no discount. I run on and come to a church. Nobody home. Then I see a man removing snow from his driveway. I make my garage accomodation request.

” Sorry but I got small kids you know the way it is? ”

Not really, a blind man can see I am not a threat and I got my expedition domain stamped all over me and easily check able. They got small kids in Newfoundland too I think…. This is the east coast of the USA… No Newfoundland.. I guess people are more suspicious here.

About 20 minutes later just as I reach the start of the town limits for Hancock I look over to the right and see a man and a woman leaving what I thought was a church. It turns out to be a museum for the Shakers sect. Long gone their belief was a celibate life and existence. They don’t have many followers now.



I ask for permission to sleep in an out house. Todd brings me over to the museum barn/workshop. I climb up to a loft, roll out my sleeping bag and make myself cozy on some gym mats and insulation material which were  protecting a stack of old windows.

Today everyone has been talking about a huge dumping of snow tonight. I will see what happens in the morning.

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11 Responses to “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold”

  1. Brandon Mulnix Says:

    I noticed your plan has you traveling through Michigan. Being from here I might be able to help keep a roof over your head. I am trying to figure out when you might arrive, but its hard. Any estimated date or plan of arrival? Looking forward to running with you if my vacation doesn’t get in the way!

  2. Suzanne Petke Says:

    Good luck on your journey! I understand that my brother and his wife, Brad & Beth met you yesterday. Pittsfield really isn’t all that bad . . . only when it is snowing and cold. I live in Connecticut now but miss the Berkshires. Best wishes, Sue

  3. theworldjog Says:

    Hi Brandon. Thanks very much for your very kind offer but I am affraid my route has me going from NY to Penn to Ohio, Indiana and onto Illinois and I will not be running through Michigan unfortunately. I wish you a nice vacation and running, Tony

  4. theworldjog Says:

    Thanks Sue! Yes Brad and Beth were wonderful. Such thoughtful people that went to so much trouble to make me feel at home. I will be forever grateful for their help at such an important time. Re: Pittsburgh I meant that I had a bit of trouble getting out of town with all the slush and snow all over the road and side walks! Take care and thanks for your support. Tony

  5. joe Says:


    Been following you on the blog and would be happy to put you up if you end up coming by Rochester, NY. What a great adventure!



  6. theworldjog Says:

    Hi Joe. Thanks for your very kind offer. But I am not going that far north. I am heading for northern Pennsylvania. I very much appreciate your offer. Tony

  7. kevin scanlon Says:

    i am not sure how close you are going to syracuse but i have family living there and they would be glad to help out with a bed or a meal.
    i am following your run closely. well done.
    email me if you need.

  8. theworldjog Says:

    Thanks Kevin but I am not going there because they got record dumpings of snow! Thanks for your support.

  9. Kelly Ann Says:

    Greetings, Tony! It’s Kelly Ann. It was a real joy to run with you yesterday, January 19. Your story will be an inspiration to my students and athletes, as it already is to me. I will continue to follow your adventure . . . as I continue to ponder how well my vest wicks.

  10. theworldjog Says:

    Thank you Kelly Ann for the company. I enjoyed running with you and Dave too. Wishing you a very successful season. Tony.

  11. Pat Says:

    Just read about you in the Cortland NY newspaper (online) My family is from the Truxton area – O’Donnells. Welcome to our world.

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since Tony began his World Run on 25th October 2010

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About Tony

I have always considered myself to be an average runner. In school, I was even bullied for I was a sports wimp. Through hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-belief and a strong mind I succeeded in not only running around the world but breaking four ultra running world records during my competitive career. Having previously cycled around the world I didn't start running until I was almost 30. Then I had a dream of running around the world. For many reasons, I waited for over 20 years. One reason was to establish my pedigree as an endurance athlete. I started and finished my world run as the current World Record-Holder for 48 Hours Indoor Track 426 kilometres (265 miles), a record I have held since 2007. I also broke and still hold the World Record for 48 hours on a Treadmill 405 kilometres (251 miles) in 2008. When I retired from competition, more pleasing than any of my world, European or Irish records I had the respect of my fellow athletes from all over the world - in my opinion, sports greatest reward - an achievement I am most proud of. Then I finally put myself out to pasture, to live my ultimate dream to run around the world! This blog was written on the road while I struggled to find places to sleep and to recover from running an average of 43.3 kilometres or 27 miles per day for 1,165 road days. There were many nights I typed this blog on a smart phone, so fatigued my eyes closed. Many journalists and endurance athletes have referred to my world run as the most difficult endurance challenge ever attempted. During my expedition I rarely had any support vehicles, running mostly with a backpack. In the more desolate areas I pushed my gear, food and water in a cart which I called Nirvana, then I sent her on ahead to run with my backpack once again over altitudes of almost 5,000 metres in the Andes. I stayed in remote villages where many people had never seen a white person before. I literally met the most wonderful people of this world in their own backyard and share many of those amazing experiences in this blog. My run around the world took 4 years. There were no short cuts, I ran every single metre on the road while seeking out the most comprehensive route across 41 countries, 5 continents, I used 50 pair of running shoes and my final footstep of the run was exactly 50,000 kilometres, (almost 31,000 miles) I eventually finished this tongue in cheek named world jog where I started, at the finish line of my city marathon. I started my global run with the Dublin Marathon on October 25th 2010 and finished with the Dublin Marathon on October 27th 2014 at 3 05pm! Thank you for your support, I hope you can share my unique way of seeing the world, the ultimate endurance challenge! Read more...


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