Twisted minds and ideology
Thursday, December 18th, 2014On my gallop around the world I wrote many times on this about the wonderful kind and decent people in our world of all religions and what an amazing place we live in. The world is full of beautiful people but unfortunately a select few, as in so many walks of life make problems for the rest of us.
I have a heavy heart for the recent victims in the Sydney siege and then the following day another mindless inhuman atrocity in a school in Peshawar, Pakistan.
The perpetrators of this evil terror, with their perverted twisted minds and ideology claim to carry out these barbaric deeds in the name of Islam which is fundamentally a peaceful religion. They say they cause this carnage to rid the world of western evil. Surely they have another agenda for peace , love and humanity is beyond their limited comprehension.
Many of Islams beliefs, practices and culture may be different to our own in the west, however we are all human and have the same emotions. At the end of the day we are all cut from the same cloth and share the same heart ache today. It is our differences and our diversities which makes our world so interesting, or at least it should.
Last month world wide in almost 20 countries terrorist barbarically butchered 5,000 innocent men,women and children in the name of religion, or so they claimed to. To my mind this jihad self righteous intolerance is a abhorrent cancer to our society.
With their swords and bombs. Even with what that self styled cleric said in Sydney – with his pens and words these subhuman beings do a grave disservice to Islam and the countless peaceful Muslims who only want to live in peace.
Alarmingly in Europe many people are marching against Islam and even in Germany fascism is raising its ugly evil head again.
Muslims should not be tarred by the same brush, After all Irish people never liked to be labelled as terrorists because of the murderous actions of the IRA.
Whatever God that is out there, please give us a peaceful 2015 and a tolerant world in which we can all live side by side in respectful harmony. This is my New Year wish.
UPDATE: PS I am still very tired. It’s 51 days since I finished running around the world and the stiffness is still in my legs. This stiffness is still there since the very first marathon over four years ago! Yes that stiffness never left my legs. Perhaps a full recovery will take a year!
These days I post more on my Facebook page than here. Please visit.
I got a lovely presentation from the Dublin Marathon organizers and also got recognition of the run from Dublin Bay Running Club. This Sunday21st December my running club MSB tell me they will make a presentation to recognize my global run at our annual Doyle Cup Christmas race. Thank you very much everyone This means so much to me.
At the moment I am working on sorting this blog for the book.