An early review from the editor of my book.
An advance review from my editor, Dr. Bob Rich for ” The Irishman who ran around the world: Part One. The start and all of the Americas.
Btw, If anyone is looking for a highly professional and polished editor look no further than Dr. Bob Rich! His sharp eye for detail, spotting my many mistakes and wise suggestions have been an enormous help to me.
I learned a lot, had fun and yes I did manage to get a discount, without even asking! A true professional who is also very reasonably priced!
Dr. Bobs review:
” I’ve had the honour of editing this book for Tony. In my youth, I was a distance runner myself, though nowhere near his league, so I can appreciate the courage, determination and commitment he needed to invest in his world run, and earlier achievements like his two 48-hour run world records. Few people have the physical and mental capability to achieve what he has. It is an inspiration.
However, he inspires me in another way, one that he will probably find surprising. Most people habitually “pull” certain reactions from others. I know a young man who finds that, wherever he goes, males react to him with aggression, even men who are otherwise peaceful and gentle. A lady is always mothered, helped, supported by everyone, although she is highly competent and rarely needs mothering. She was the baby of her family and the only girl…
Well, as you’ll find when you read his amazing story, Tony “pulls” generosity, decency, acts of kindness and compassion.
He actually asked me if readers might see him as something of a conman for getting discounts and free handouts everywhere, and should he tone that down in his account. I told him, no, feature it, because if everyone got others to behave the way he manages to, we would have a better world.
Early on in the story, Tony explains that he likes slow travel like walking, cycling or running because you get to meet the locals, and it’s people that make the world. You can also meet the locals with him, share his amazing journey, without needing to put runners on yourself.
Dr. Bob Rich
Bobbing Around
Commit random acts of kindness
Live simply so you may simply live.