
I have decided to walk around the world!

Hi everyone!! Sorry for the long lack of updates as I had a technical issue with this website which has now been resolved.
This Saturday, Feb 27th I will begin a walk around the world! Starting from Run Logic running store in Dublin’s Temple Bar, we meet at two pm and leave a three pm. Please see my new website for the walk www.myworldwalk.com or follow on my Facebook page! Hope you can join me!
Below please read a Facebook update.
After I first got the idea to run around the world I didn’t see how I could do it without a support vehicle. As running is more problematic than walking I decided instead of running the world that I would walk it! In 1998, I was living in Lake City, Colorado. A techno friend designed my logo which I dreamt up during hundreds of hours running on the trails there. Before leaving Lake City to return to Ireland I had a crazy going away party! Sandy Hines do you remember that night with Aidan and the locals down in Mammy’s Whisky Bar!
Well, I returned to Ireland and with just four days away from starting my world walk I changed my mind! I decided that one day I would find a way to live my ultimate dream, to run around the world ( As many of you know I achieved that in Oct 2014) So for the world walk literally had the tee- shirt but I never did it! As it was pre-internet you will notice there is no mention of a website on my logo. That same logo was modified for my eventual world run, the black lettering with centre white lines signify the roads of the world.
So, this world walk is my other long cherished dream :)
Last Monday I was welcomed by The Lord Mayor of Dublin, this is becoming a habit! Thank you Lord Mayor Criona Ni Dhalaigh for my latest Magic Letter! I will be walking the world with a cancer awareness message; life is precious, early checking saves lives.

The key to my world run was meticulous preparation, preparation, preparation! I also believed in keeping things simple. This walk will be more leisurely and as best as I can my stopwatch will be thrown out! However, I do realise and appreciate that when people are trying to help me their first question is almost always “exactly when tony!”
Proposed world walk route… Subject to change!
Dublin, to Liverpool to Hull to Rotterdam to Berlin to Lithuania to Latvia to Moscow to Chelyabinsk to Irkutsk to Mongolia to China. All visas have been secured (thanks to visafirst.ie)
From China I have not decided on my route to Australia Nobody has ever gone on foot (only with a small gap) from Europe to Singapore; I have not decided if I will. Another possibility is China to the Philippines to Indonesia to Australia.

Australia: Denham (the spike north of Perth) to Sydney. Then New Zealand North and South
From there my original plan was to fly to la Peru and walk into Brazil to Venezuela and from there thru the Caribbean to Cuba to Florida to Nova Scotia, ie: along the east coast. However, lately, I have been thinking of New Zealand to San Diego to Portland Oregon to Key West Florida. Whichever way I decide to go in the USA I will be returning to Europe starting in Gibraltar to Madrid to France to Ireland!
Depending on my route my estimated distance will be 30-34,000km.
As on my world run I will be exceeding the minimum requirements of the WRA the world runners association, the governing body for world runners and walkers. Since last summer I have successfully lobbied the WRA for higher standards. The reason for returning to Europe by way of Gibraltar is that for a ” circumnavigation of the world ” (which is a higher standard for a lap of the world) there is an added requirement of needing to go through two ” antipodals” which are exact opposites locations on the other side of the world. This is not so easy to get, as most of the world’s landmass is an ocean or inaccessible territory in places like Russia or the Amazon. My Antipodals are going to be in Aukland and Madrid.
This walk will be very low budget, mostly camping and cooking my own food! Sponsors are required!
I hope you can join me either on Facebook or on my new blog www.myworldwalk.com

Please click on the blog link.
Thank you!



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since Tony began his World Run on 25th October 2010

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About Tony

I have always considered myself to be an average runner. In school, I was even bullied for I was a sports wimp. Through hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-belief and a strong mind I succeeded in not only running around the world but breaking four ultra running world records during my competitive career. Having previously cycled around the world I didn't start running until I was almost 30. Then I had a dream of running around the world. For many reasons, I waited for over 20 years. One reason was to establish my pedigree as an endurance athlete. I started and finished my world run as the current World Record-Holder for 48 Hours Indoor Track 426 kilometres (265 miles), a record I have held since 2007. I also broke and still hold the World Record for 48 hours on a Treadmill 405 kilometres (251 miles) in 2008. When I retired from competition, more pleasing than any of my world, European or Irish records I had the respect of my fellow athletes from all over the world - in my opinion, sports greatest reward - an achievement I am most proud of. Then I finally put myself out to pasture, to live my ultimate dream to run around the world! This blog was written on the road while I struggled to find places to sleep and to recover from running an average of 43.3 kilometres or 27 miles per day for 1,165 road days. There were many nights I typed this blog on a smart phone, so fatigued my eyes closed. Many journalists and endurance athletes have referred to my world run as the most difficult endurance challenge ever attempted. During my expedition I rarely had any support vehicles, running mostly with a backpack. In the more desolate areas I pushed my gear, food and water in a cart which I called Nirvana, then I sent her on ahead to run with my backpack once again over altitudes of almost 5,000 metres in the Andes. I stayed in remote villages where many people had never seen a white person before. I literally met the most wonderful people of this world in their own backyard and share many of those amazing experiences in this blog. My run around the world took 4 years. There were no short cuts, I ran every single metre on the road while seeking out the most comprehensive route across 41 countries, 5 continents, I used 50 pair of running shoes and my final footstep of the run was exactly 50,000 kilometres, (almost 31,000 miles) I eventually finished this tongue in cheek named world jog where I started, at the finish line of my city marathon. I started my global run with the Dublin Marathon on October 25th 2010 and finished with the Dublin Marathon on October 27th 2014 at 3 05pm! Thank you for your support, I hope you can share my unique way of seeing the world, the ultimate endurance challenge! Read more...


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