Video at 6km race in Alice Springs
Please reread previous post as I have just uploaded a lot of photos and added more text
Thanks to my support driver Michael for shooting this video of my birthday speech after the Alice Springs running and walking club presented me with a birthday cake at the end of the 6km race on Saturday morning. As always those km’s don’t count. Please press HERE to view the video which Michael went to huge trouble to convert from his system to Youtube. Thanks again Michael.
I am going to take another rest day today Tuesday and hit the toad on Wednesday 1,500km north for Darwin!
We are staying in a really nice backpacker hostel with great and cheap internet, so both of us getting lots of work done.
I almost forgot to say that yesterday we had tea with the mayor or as his title reads ‘ His Worship the Mayor Damien Ryan ‘ mayor of Alice Springs. We got some nice pictures chatting in his office, I will upload soon. Thanks to everyone for their best wishes and comments.
Also a very happy birthday to my Mam today Tuesday as her birthday is just three days after mine. I love you Mam, Hope you have a wonderful day X
My earlier part of the Mainland was not blogged too well. Here I just want to thank people again for their wonderful help and am so sorry for not getting the chance to do justice to your wonderful help.

Thanks to Robyn for running with me and to her husband Mitch also for putting us up in their wonderful hotel the Balcony Hotel in Murraybridge

Ash's parents Barbara and Guy. Ash is my friend from Ireland and we had a lovely night staying on his parents farm.
April 25th, 2013 at 8:05 am
tony, the update and photos are great. as usual you are not short of a few words when the micropone is turned on!!!! there is no sound on the clip…….is this michael’s way of saving us viewers????? keep up the great work. kevin
April 25th, 2013 at 11:45 am
Great photos Tony, video is very good too. Fair play to you and Michael. Take care
April 26th, 2013 at 8:55 am
Thanks Kevin. It must be the volume control on your computer because I can play it!
Today Fri I finished 10km past Aileron roadhouse and commuted back for 50km, Thurs 63, Wed late start out of Alice Springs and early finish for 30km.
Total 29,671km for 685 road days. North of Alice things this side of the Outback are a lot more interesting.
April 26th, 2013 at 10:48 am
Glad to see all still going so well for you and a little more interesting
April 26th, 2013 at 11:00 am
Hi Tony, it’s great to see everything is so good for you and you are clocking up the kms.take care of yourselfand god bless Mam
April 29th, 2013 at 9:43 pm
Just saying hello Tony. Was in that part of the world many years ago. Went from Alice to Mount Isa and then Cairns. Had my tent stolen and was attacked by an emu getting off the bus. Happy days!