
2 Videos Of Running In Monday’s Blizzard In Maine.

Dec 23-25th Christmas break in Clifton, Maine.

Dec 26th.  Winterport, Maine.  46.7km/ 29 miles

Monday 27th Dec. Winterport to Durham Forest State Park. 43.4km / 27 Miles

Tuesday 28th Dec. To:  Waldoboro  52.3 km /32.5 miles

Wednesday 29th Dec To: Bath (south)  49.5km / 30.7 miles.

Thursday 30th Dec.  To Yarmouth.  38.6km / 24 miles.

Friday 31st Dec To: Saco           44.7km   / 27.8 miles

Saturday Jan. 1st.  To: Kittery.      52.2km       /32.4 miles

Total for 56 Road Days = Total: 2,521.1 km / 1,566.5 miles.

Tomorrow Friday, running to Saco. Meeting some runners from Portland in Starbucks, Falmouth to direct me through Portland :)

NOTE FRI EVENING: The Portland runners stood me up :( I waited for over an hour of precious time during these short days. And I had to think of my host far away in Saco on this night, New Years Eve.

They did not even phone  Starbocks…  I found my way through their city.. It was not easy with the closed to pedestrians segments of highway. As I have mentioned before I have not had even a single rude word uttered to me on the run but I am taking this as the first rude deed the fact they didn’t even phone Starbucks. Shame on the Portland Runners. I am sure the runners in Massachusetts will be more considerate when I get there in a couple of days.

Tomorrow New Years Day. I plan to run from Saco to Kitterly finishing at McDonalds.  This is a little more than 50km/ 31 miles. The couple I am staying with here in Saco  Alex and Dennis say they can pick me up as they have to go there on business and can ferry me back to the same spot on Sunday to continue on into Massachusetts. So I can run without the buggy tomorrow.

Month 2 total km run = 1,173.2km = 729 miles.


Watch video of me running  up a hill in the blizzard  this morning.

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I did a 15 minute radio interview for Stephen Kings radio station this morning. Seems I have gotten some fans!

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16 Responses to “2 Videos Of Running In Monday’s Blizzard In Maine.”

  1. Jarrod Lenfest Says:

    The snow was accumulated fast at my house and the wind was really blowing hard. Any chance you will run near Augusta? My friend and I are interested in maybe running with you for a short distance.

  2. theworldjog Says:

    Hi Jarrod. No Augusta not on my route. Am running US 1 south also short section on US 90 tomorrow, Tues to Warren, Wed to Bath, Thurs circa Portland, Fri finish a little south of Saco, Sat circa Portsmouth. If you can get over to me you are more than welcome to run with me and push Nirvana! Hope to see you, Tony

  3. Justin Says:

    Hi Tony, The weather in New York and the East Coast area has made the news back home, it looks awful. Having caught up on your blog, things still seem to be going very well, well done. Happy new year :)

  4. Ann Says:

    Oh my god Tony, you sure have your work cut out running in that snow and the blizzards. Take care Tony

    Ann x

  5. Mark Says:

    Hi tony,
    You are doing great ! Keep going through the snow. I saw your video’s on youtube . It looks like the snow is very bad over there but keep going ! Nana said that the snow is very dangerous and that you should take a rest and to keep warm :) Hope you had a great Christmas :) Stay warm and well :)

  6. carrie Says:

    Saw you on the Rt 1 going through Camden. Amazed to see someone running on the side of the road. (Dangerous!) Fun to see the story about you and know what and why you are running. best to you. enjoy!

  7. maureen Says:

    Good luck on your journey. You are truly an inspiration! I’m sorry I missed you while you were here in the midcoast.

  8. Abichal Says:

    Hi Tony, Thinking of you on your wild adventure.It’s great to follow your life on the road. A man following his dream. Awesome.
    Best wishes,

  9. Jeff Says:

    Hi Tony – amazing what you’re doing. Too bad your route doesn’t swing through Virginia – we would be delighted to host you for a night. In lieu of hospitality we made a donation to Aware. Best of luck — Jeff

  10. theworldjog Says:

    Thank you so much Jeff for the kind words and your very kind donation. I am going to be altering my route when I get to Hudson , Ma. and start heading west with the intent to hook up to highway 50 across the country. I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment as I do not have any support crew so I have not had a chance to check the route in detail yet. Thanks again and happy New Year. Tony

  11. John Says:

    Just heard about your awesome adventure from a posting on Village Soup. I see your itinerary brings you near us on Friday. We live south of Biddeford, in Arundel, just off Route 1. You’re welcome to spend the night if it works for you. If we don’t hear from you, best of luck on your journey.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    John & Beth

  12. Ray wright Says:

    how are you. Just watching the videos. Just like home ha. Well happy xmas to you. Hope you had a good one. Keep up the good work. Snow started to melt yesterday , so roads returning back to normal now.
    So stay safe and enjoy. The guys in MSB are still following you. ( Have to have someone to talk about)

  13. theworldjog Says:

    Thanks John and Beth but am sorted for Saco on Fri but I really appreciate your kind offer.
    Re: Village Soup. They screwed up with that piece as it was riddled with mistakes and facts were not checked properly. Biggest error and hurt was describing my world records as ‘ age group ‘ world records. Anyone that knows me knows I only count overall records and disregard my ‘age group ‘ records. I understand an apology/correction is being made in the next issue. I am having many problems with journalists. One even lied and delibertly twisted facts tabloid style to work with his motivation piece he was writing for his readership.

  14. Lexi Says:

    Hey I met you at Irving in Wiscasset Maine today. This is the blog, right? Good luck! I dont really know much about blogs but I’d like to follow yours. Lexi

  15. theworldjog Says:

    Thanks very much Lexi. Yes this is the site! Just to tell the readers. I met Lexi in the Irvine/ Circle K service station. I was wearing (what else do I wear!) my red jacket and as the attendants also dress in red she asked.. ” Do you work here? ” I had to take my balaclava off to explain that I am running around the world! Nice to have you along for the journey Lexi!

  16. stewart cochrane Says:

    good day tony…we’ve been keeping up with the blog…looks like you’re meeting some more great people in the U.S. of A.
    Wishing you and your a safe and happy new year ( i’ll have one for you…lol..)

    best wishes

    stewart and bernie

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About Tony

I have always considered myself to be an average runner. In school, I was even bullied for I was a sports wimp. Through hard work, dedication, perseverance, self-belief and a strong mind I succeeded in not only running around the world but breaking four ultra running world records during my competitive career. Having previously cycled around the world I didn't start running until I was almost 30. Then I had a dream of running around the world. For many reasons, I waited for over 20 years. One reason was to establish my pedigree as an endurance athlete. I started and finished my world run as the current World Record-Holder for 48 Hours Indoor Track 426 kilometres (265 miles), a record I have held since 2007. I also broke and still hold the World Record for 48 hours on a Treadmill 405 kilometres (251 miles) in 2008. When I retired from competition, more pleasing than any of my world, European or Irish records I had the respect of my fellow athletes from all over the world - in my opinion, sports greatest reward - an achievement I am most proud of. Then I finally put myself out to pasture, to live my ultimate dream to run around the world! This blog was written on the road while I struggled to find places to sleep and to recover from running an average of 43.3 kilometres or 27 miles per day for 1,165 road days. There were many nights I typed this blog on a smart phone, so fatigued my eyes closed. Many journalists and endurance athletes have referred to my world run as the most difficult endurance challenge ever attempted. During my expedition I rarely had any support vehicles, running mostly with a backpack. In the more desolate areas I pushed my gear, food and water in a cart which I called Nirvana, then I sent her on ahead to run with my backpack once again over altitudes of almost 5,000 metres in the Andes. I stayed in remote villages where many people had never seen a white person before. I literally met the most wonderful people of this world in their own backyard and share many of those amazing experiences in this blog. My run around the world took 4 years. There were no short cuts, I ran every single metre on the road while seeking out the most comprehensive route across 41 countries, 5 continents, I used 50 pair of running shoes and my final footstep of the run was exactly 50,000 kilometres, (almost 31,000 miles) I eventually finished this tongue in cheek named world jog where I started, at the finish line of my city marathon. I started my global run with the Dublin Marathon on October 25th 2010 and finished with the Dublin Marathon on October 27th 2014 at 3 05pm! Thank you for your support, I hope you can share my unique way of seeing the world, the ultimate endurance challenge! Read more...


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